We've discussed this fellow's aversion to barbers previously but it's worth bringing him up again. Having maintained his ban on barbers for the entire EPL season, Everton forward MarouaneFellaini'safro is becoming breathtakingly huge. Just look at this . . .
This is from an Obama supporter, by the way. Folks, wake up. Your money, that stuff you earn that you need for things and living, well, it's being flushed - to quote the great social philosopher Travis Bickle - right down the fucking toilet.
Undercity.org is a simply fascinating website. New Yorkers who think the only thing under their feet are subways and steam tunnels will be stunned to learn about and see what else lies down there. And check out Watercourses too. Great, great stuff.
Taxation without representation is tyranny, or so it was said in a time when men wouldn't stand for such things as we are subject to now. When laws are passed without debate we become something less than a democratic republic.
Great line from the classic old hobo anthem Big Rock Candy Mountain (you remember that from O Brother Where Art Thou?, right? Here's the clip . . .)
Listen carefully to the lyrics. It's about a fantasy world where those who lack the inclination, discipline, or foresight to fairly earn their daily bread never have to work and everything they need is there for free. So where exactly do handouts grow on bushes these days? In Washington, D.C., of course. Not for me, though - I live and spend within my means so I don't qualify. But don't feel too badly for me, my fair two readers, as I have not been completely left out of the process. Me and people like me, and our future generations, well, at least we get to pay for it.
This blog is named after a book written by George Best, the late great Manchester United #7. We'll talk baseball, soccer, bad hair, foreign affairs, food and drink, and other stuff.